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So much to do and so little time…

There are just two weeks of this school year left and so many things to cram in before the end of term! Read this week’s newsletter so you can be…


Another week, another newsletter…

Keep up-to-date with all that’s going on in our busy school by reading this week’s newsletter: 25th June 2021 Wishing all our families and friends a happy weekend!


Singing, Sailing and Smoothie Making…

…it’s all in a week at Woodborough! Read this week’s newsletter and discover what a busy start to Term 6 we’re having: 18th June


Sunshine, sailing and memory making at Rockley Adventure…

Years 5 and 6 spent last week at Rockley Adventure in Poole, Dorset. The sun shone and we enjoyed Pico sailing, kayaking, windsurfing, stand-up paddle boarding, raft building, sandcastle building,…


Another busy Woodborough School week…

We may have needed hoods (and Wellingtons, and umbrellas) this week, but rain has most definitely not stopped play (or learning, or fun)! Read on and find out about all…


What an egg-citing day!

Today Sycamore Class welcomed and and named their two new chicks ‘Fluffy’ and ‘Snuggles’, and later in the day our blue tit parents welcomed three new arrivals in the Woodborough…


Read all about it…

Stars of Always Club,  our Woodborough School ‘roadmap’, a nest full of eggs and update from our PTA… Read about all of this and more via the following links: 7th…


New faces, skipping, remembering Captain Sir Tom Moore and lots more…

It’s a new term and there’s already lots happening. Read this week’s newsletter and see what we’ve been getting up to… 30th April 2021