Latest News


Happy New School Year!

Welcome back to school and a special mention to the new pupils who have joined us. We’re very excited about the new term ahead. Follow the link for the new school…


Celebrating Super SATs Results…

Well done to all of our pupils for another great year of learning and special congratulations to pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 for some fantastic SATs results. Visit…


We won the ‘Million Minutes Challenge’

Following everyone’s avid reading efforts last week, we are delighted to announce that Woodborough School are the proud winners of the Achievement for All ‘Million Minutes Reading Challenge’. All classes…


Y5 & 6 visit to Mill Rythe…

This morning we all assembled to wave off our Year 5 & 6 pupils who were bound for Mill Rythe Activity Centre, Hampshire, for a week of outdoor and adventurous activities…


A Musical Art Week, 22nd – 26th June…

Don’t forget that 22nd – 26th June is  ‘Art Week’! We’re looking forward to a week filled with ‘Music & Art’. Join us on Friday afternoon from 2.30 pm to…


Making Sandcastles with Vaughan’s Kitchen Cookery School

On Monday we enjoyed another successful pre-school taster event in the company of Catherine Maxwell from Vaughan’s Kitchen Cookery School. Our couscous sandcastles were amazing… Click on the link below for…


Fun with the Wiltshire Scrapstore…

Our recent pre-school taster event with Carrie from the Wiltshire Scrapstore was a great success. Adults enjoyed the chance to chat whilst the children created some fantastic Gruffaloes! Follow the…


Invitation to Parents & Pre-School Children…

Parents and Pre-School Children are warmly invited to join us over the next few weeks, for some fun-filled activities to be held here in school. If you enjoy crafts, cooking,…