
Great success at Marlborough Lit Fest…

Read all about our brilliant competition winners and plenty more in this week’s newsletter: 20th November 2020


Poppies, ‘Children in Need’, running more km and so much more…

This week we shared Remembrance remotely, wore mufti to support ‘Children in Need’, held a special tea party and ran many more kilometers. Read about all that and more in…


View our videos from Global Week 2020…

This term we were unable to invite friends and families to the grand finale of our recent Global Week, so instead we’ve added some video summaries of our week’s work…


A new term, new guidance and a new newsletter too…

Welcome to the first newsletter of Term 2… we’ve been very busy already: 6th November 2020


MAGNIFICENT MAPS in Global Week 2020…

Our annual Global Week is well underway and all classes are absorbed in ‘MAGNIFICENT MAPS’. We’re adding photographs to our new Gallery Page – take a look and keep checking…


Book a visit to come and see our school…

The primary school admissions round is open between now and 15th January 2021 and we’d love you to visit our school. Contact Miss Bolwell, our school business manager (tel: 01672…


Happy Half Term Holiday!

It’s been a different kind of term but there’s still been plenty of Woodborough Magic! Take a look at this week’s newsletter for a round-up of the final few days…


Rounding up the last full week of term…

Contributions for the Food Bank, reminders of upcoming deadlines, more kilometers on our UK journey and a quick survey to complete – please. Take five minutes to read this week’s…


Book a visit to see our school…

The primary school admissions round is open between now and 15th January 2021 and we’d love you to visit our school. Contact Miss Bolwell, our school business manager (tel: 01672…


Remote learning, running and reading…

Remote learning, running and reading… Learn about this week’s three Rs in our weekly newsletter: 9th October 2020


Welcomes and blessings for Oak Class…

This week we came together virtually, and spaced out in our bubbles, to enjoy a very special Welcome Service for our new pupils in Oak Class, led by Canon Larkey….


Mrs Parry’s Phonics Workshop, 30.09.20

We’re unable to invite you in for our Phonics Workshop this year, so instead Mrs Parry has recorded it for you watch from home. Please take a few minutes to…


Election results, Q&As and musical opportunities…

Things may be happening remotely but there’s plenty going on. Read all about it via the following links: 25th September 2020 Sharing Autumn Term Events and Meeting Together Remotely –…


Running, reminders and our INSPIRATIONAL RE Day…

This week we have enjoyed the sunshine, run more kilometers, found out about ‘People Whose Faith Inspires Them’ and thought about people who inspire us. Read all about it and…


It’s been a busy week at Woodborough…

Settling in, running to Land’s End and meeting our local MP… it’s all in a week at Woodborough School! Read about what we’ve been getting up to in this week’s…


Catch up with news from around the classes…

  Follow these links to see what’s happening in our classes this term: Oak Class Autumn Term Newsletter, September 2020 Sycamore Class Newsletter, Autumn Term 2020 Maple Class Autumn Term…


Welcome back and read all about it…

This week we’ve welcomed back our pupils and their families and said extra special Woodborough School welcomes to everyone who has joined us for the first time. In our ‘Back…