
‘HOWW’ added to the website…

Take a look at our new page all about the ‘How Our World Works’ lectures for pupils in Years 5 and 6… fantastic career insights from brilliant speakers!


Another busy week…

Parents’ Evenings, sports fixtures, drumming tasters and Easter Bingo were just some of the events in school this week. There’s also been some activity in our bird box… catch up…


Happy Mothering Sunday…

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our special Mothers’ Day Service on Friday afternoon. We wish you all a very happy Mothering Sunday.


Great excitement… our Bird Cam is live…

We’re all very excited this morning because our bird box web cam is live and ready to go. All we need now are some birds in search of a new…


Another successful week…

Our brilliant pupils have been stars of rugby fields, swimming pools and netball courts this week. Take a look at what #teamWoodborough have been up to on the Sports Blog…


What a wonderful Book Week!

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop. – Lewis Carroll Take a look at our school blogs and the gallery page to…


Welcome to Wonderland…

Book Week 2017 has arrived at last, the secret has been revealed and we have all been transported to Wonderland where we have begun our great adventure. Follow our blogs to find out more… Reading…


BOOK WEEK is almost here…

We’re all very excited because BOOK WEEK begins on Monday! Keep checking the Reading Blog and Class Blogs to keep up with what’s going on in school… Book Week Newsletter…


E-Safety Workshop for Parents

Join us this evening, Monday 6th February at 7 pm, for an informative workshop presented by the NSPCC.


Join us for ‘Sharks, Manta Ray & The Indian Ocean’…

We’re really looking forward to the next of the ‘How Our World Works’ lectures for Years 5 & 6… Thursday 2nd February, 6.30 pm in the School Hall. All pupils…


Wonderful ‘Winter Wonderlands’…

Take a look at what we got up to during our most recent pre-school taster event… Winter Wonderland


We’ve had a busy week…

Thank you to everyone who supported our Pre-School Taster event with Wiltshire Scrap Store this week, to Willow Class for an amazing class assembly and Lime Class for a delicious…


Pre-School Taster Session – Tuesday 10th January

All pre-schoolers (and their parents) are warmly invited to join us on Tuesday morning (10 – 11.30 am) in a ‘Winter Wonderland’ craft extravaganza with Wiltshire Scrapstore. Come along, meet new…


Happy New Year from Woodborough School

Happy New Year and welcome back to Spring Term 2017! We hope all of our families enjoyed a restful Christmas and look forward to a busy and exciting new term…


Happy Christmas from Woodborough School!

We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a restful New Year and look forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.


PTA Christmas Fair – TODAY!

Come along and join us today, 2nd December, between 2.30 and 5.00 pm… £2 entry for adults (children free), including a raffle ticket. Do come along to: visit Santa’s Grotto,…


‘Soldiers, Germs & Medicines’…

Read all about the excellent talk for Years 5 & 6 given by Dr Helen Atkins on Thursday evening and see the pictures of what everyone got up to… soldiers-germs-medicines-24-11-16