
Join us for our Remembrance Service on Friday morning…

  Please join us for our special Remembrance Service at 10.45 am on Friday 9th November – everyone welcome.


House Points, Poppies, Marvellous Mathematics & Shoeboxes…

Just some of the themes of this week’s newsletter. Follow this link to keep up with all that is happening… 24th October 2018


Poppies for Remembrance…

We’d be delighted if families and the wider community would help us to create an amazing display of poppies in readiness for November 2018. Please read our letter and get…


Goodness gracious GLOBAL WEEK greatness!

Read this week’s newsletter and visit our Class Blogs to learn about all of the Global Week excitement in school this week…


A busy week and another one to follow…

Read this week’s newsletter to learn what we’ve been up to and follow the link to Global Week 2018 to know what’s coming next week…


Woodborough pupils WOW at Lit Fest 2018…

We have received some wonderful news from the Marlborough Literary Festival 2018… Pupils from Woodborough School have wowed the judges of the Pop-Up Books Competition and have scooped 5 winning entries in the 5, 6,…


DfE support for the development of EQUA Multi Academy Trust…

View our letter to Parents, Carers and Community and a list of Frequently Asked Questions here… EQUA MAT Letter and FAQs for Parents, Carers and Community, September 2018


Global Week 2018 is coming soon…

Animals, habitats, science and dancing are the themes for next week’s Global Week. Follow this link to Mrs Johanson’s Global Week Newsletter to find out more…


Learning about The Ten Commandments

On Thursday 6th September everyone in school joined in with our Religious Education Day. The theme this year was The Ten Commandments. Visit our gallery page to see photographs of…


The new school year so far…

Take a look at the newsletters published this week for a reminder of school routines and what we’ve been up to so far… September 2018 – Back To School Newsletter…


Welcome back to school…

Happy New School Year! A warm welcome back to all of our families and an extra special welcome to parents and pupils who are joining us for the start of…


Fond Farewells & Happy Holidays…

The end of term meant time to say goodbye to our Class of 2018… we enjoyed hearing your memories, poetry and songs and wish you continued success and happiness at…


It’s almost the end of term…

For a round up of recent events and a final update of what to expect over the remainder of this summer term, take a look at this week’s newsletter (brought…


YIPPEE – our new stage has arrived…

We are delighted to report that our new stage has been delivered this morning – yippee! Let the performances commence…


Summer Fete, Saturday 7th July, 12 – 2.30 pm

Due to many requests AND we suspect, popular demand, the PTA will be changing the running time of the fete this Saturday to accommodate the ongoing success of the England…


Celebrating Art Week 2018…

THANK YOU to everyone who gave their time to make Art Week 2018 so amazing and to everyone who joined us for our celebration in the sunshine on Friday afternoon…


Making plastic into all things fantastic…

Be sure to join us from 2.30 pm on Friday 29th June for the grand finale of our AMAZING ART WEEK 2018 and see how busy we have been reusing and…