Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust

School Council

Our school council is made up from a democratically elected core council from Y6 pupils, including a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer.  The core council meet regularly with two representatives from each class and Mrs Wren to discuss ways to improve the work of the school.  

They run a small budget and organise various events across the year to raise money for the school and for their chosen charity. The core council present annually to governors.

This year's school council have chosen to support:

Previous initiatives include:

  • The Great British Spring Clean and Great Big School Clean 2024. As a school we pledged to pick up a litter around our school and local community to protect our wildlife and the places we love.  Woodborough School collected the most litter of the school's that took part and received a big bear bin as a reward.
  • Class Cake Breaks
  • Rags 2 Riches
  • Anti-bullying leaflet

The school council have funded the following:

  • Forest School resources
  • Sets of Descriptosaurus for Y5 and 6