Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust

School Uniform

The wearing of our school uniform is a way of promoting the school and the sense of community. Our uniform is embroidered with the school logo and includes, sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts, PE t-shirts, PE bags and for Key Stage 1 only, book bags. The PE t-shirts, PE bags and KS1 book bags are in house colours of red, blue, green or yellow.
These can all be purchased from Price-Buckland. Grey skirts or summer dresses and trousers from any high street store are suitable. Secondhand school clothes are available for purchase via the PTA at very reasonable prices on certain dates throughout the year.


All items of clothing must be named, including shoes, trainers and wellington boots to make it easier to return lost property. There is also a lost property box at the school reception. Any unclaimed items will be sold or disposed of at the end of term.

In winter In summer
● Grey trousers or grey skirt or pinafore dress
● Light blue blouse or school polo shirt
● Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
● Grey socks or tights
● Black leather shoes (not trainers)

● Blue/white gingham dress or grey shorts
● Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
● White socks
● Black leather shoes (not trainers)


All children should have a coat to wear outside at playtime during the autumn and winter terms and in the summer, we encourage the children to wear a hat/cap to protect them from the sun.

Indoor PE Kit

Black or dark blue shorts, house t-shirt and black plimsolls/trainers are required in school all week.

Outdoor PE Kit

Indoor kit may be worn in summer with trainers. During winter months children will need warmer clothes – tracksuits or jogging bottoms and sweatshirts.
Long hair should be tied back, jewellery and nail varnish are not permitted.

Forest School

Wellies, old clothes and waterproof coat.


Swimming trunks or costume, towel, goggles (if used), swimming bag.