Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust

Reward System

Golden Rules

Our school rules are displayed prominently around our school and in every classroom. Teachers regularly discuss the importance of the Golden Rules and help the children to understand how keeping them is of benefit for everyone.

Our Golden Rules are:

  • Be gentle and behave safely.
  • Be kind, helpful and thoughtful.
  • Work hard and try your best to do your best.
  • Look after property.
  • Listen to people.
  • Be honest and respectful.
  • Be well mannered.

Golden Time

Golden Time is a celebration of pupils’ ability to keep to the Golden Rules. Golden Time is a weekly timetabled slot of thirty minutes on a Friday morning. Each child begins each week with all Golden Time intact. A child who makes a choice to break a Golden Rule will lose Golden Time. More details of how rewards and sanctions operate across the school can be found in our ‘Ethos, Behaviour and Discipline Policy’.

Golden Certificates

Each child has their own Success Card in the colour of their House. Success Cards display a reminder of the Golden Rules, pupil targets and any Success Stamps collected by the child.

Success Stamps are awarded, by teaching staff, to:

  • pupils who have read at least three times each week to an adult at home (checked by counting the signatures in pupils’ Reading Record Books or Homework Diaries)
  • pupils who have made an extra special effort with their work / behaviour

When pupils complete rows of their Success Cards (every row at Key Stage 1 and every two rows at Key Stage 2) their names are entered in the Golden Book and they receive recognition by means of a Golden Certificate in our Friday afternoon School Meeting.

Celebration Assemblies

Celebration assemblies take place on Friday afternoon’s. Parents are invited to attend to see presentations of certificates and work from the children. Children can also bring in trophies or certificates gained with outside groups. Check the newsletter for dates of this year’s celebration assemblies.

House Points

A House Point system operates across the school. Each child is allocated to a House: Mars (red), Jupiter (green), Mercury (yellow) or Venus (blue). On a daily basis, though good behaviour and achievement, the children are awarded ‘house points’ and, at larger events such as Sports' Day, they step out of their usual year groups and join together under their house name and colour to work for the benefit of all ‘house mates’. The houses encourage all age groups to work together and are a source of great pride to the children.