Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust


Good Attendance

 At Woodborough CE Primary School we are working closely with all parents and children to encourage our children to attend school regularly.

Much research has been conducted on the importance of good attendance and the effect any poor attendance can have on pupils’ attainment and their future life chances.

Did you know that 90% attendance means:

–  on average, half a day’s schooling is missed every week?
–  in one year 4 whole weeks of schooling is missed?
–  if your child has missed essential lessons this will affect their progress and attainment?

Did you know that 80% attendance means:

–  your child is averaging a 4-day week?

This will have a negative impact on not only their attainment but also their ability to make friendships and feel part of the class.  How many employers would allow us to have a day off each week?

Habits of poor attendance and lateness in school are often repeated in working life.  We want our children to learn early on the importance of punctuality and school attendance.  Parental attitudes towards punctuality and attendance are bound to influence children’s attitudes.

At Woodborough CE Primary School good attendance is a priority and by improving attendance we will improve further the standards that our pupils achieve and give them better chances in later life.  We can only achieve this with your help.

What can parents do to help?

If you feel that your child is unhappy at school and that this is affecting their attendance, please contact us as quickly as possible so that we can work together to resolve any issues.

Ensure that your child arrives at school on time with the necessary equipment for the day.

If at all possible please keep medical and dental appointments outside of the school day.

Only allow days off for genuine illness – you know your child!

Have a look at the weekly attendance published on newsletters we send home.

Do not take your child on holiday during term time.

Holidays during term time

There are 190 school days in a year and therefore 175 days of holidays and weekends.  Taking your child out of school for 2 weeks (10 school days) will reduce their attendance to 94% before any account is taken for illness.

The law says that parents do not have the right to take their children out of school during term time and Woodborough CE Primary School does not authorise any holiday during school time.  Any holiday taken during term time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and could result in parents being fined by the Local Authority.

Medical/dental appointments

We realise that some appointments are unavoidable and ask that you complete a Leave of Absence form and return it to the school office.

Absence Reporting

If your child is unwell and not able to attend school, please telephone to inform us by 9.15 am – 01672 851305.  Please do not send your child if he/she is unwell.

If your child becomes ill at school we will use the phone numbers you have given us to contact someone who can take your child home.  In cases of serious illness or accident we will act in loco-parentis to seek urgent medical aid and will contact you as soon as possible.  Parents must keep the school informed of changes to telephone numbers and emergency contacts.

Late Children

Registers close at 9 am.  Should arrival be after this time the parent/carer and child must report to the school office so that the child is recorded as being present and an unauthorised absence is avoided.  Arrival after 9.15 am will be recorded as an unauthorised absence for the morning session.