Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust


What is the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?

The PTA is a voluntary organisation that offers parents opportunities to become involved and to contribute to the enrichment of the school experience for their children.  One of the primary functions of the PTA is to provide the children with resources and opportunities above and beyond the statutory provision funded by the local authority.

We do this in a couple of ways:

Fundraising and Events: Secondly, through fundraising activities. The Woodborough PTA has an active diary of events from the regularly held Popcorn Club aright through to annual events like The Colour Run or Bonfire Night. These are enjoyed by children and parents alike and generate funds which directly benefit the children. 

Community: The PTA also offers parents the chance to get to know other parents, teachers and governors, fostering, as it does, relationships between all involved in the education of our children. And by organising activities that reach beyond the regular school day the PTA is instrumental in developing a sense of ‘community’ around the school.

Who are the PTA?

You are! Every parent is automatically a member of the PTA.

Core Committee 2024-25

  • Chair:  Alison Wilson
  • Vice Chair:  Vacant Position
  • Treasurer: Lisa Messenger
  • Secretary: Anna Potter
  • Communications: Ramona Edwards
  • Compliance: Anthony Cornish
  • Procurement:  Laura Springthorpe
  • Heavy Lifters & Social Club Liason: Graham Bryant

You can contact us at – ptawoodborough@outlook.com

Class Reps 2024-25

  • Oak (R): Susanne Adamson and Charlotte Ritchie
  • Sycamore (1): Alex Wyatt
  • Maple (2): Chloe Wood
  • Cherry (3): Kate Perkins
  • Elm (4): Chloe Wood
  • Lime (5): Hettie Hodgkinson and Beckie Richardson
  • Willow (6): Kara Semple

So, how can you help?

Help is appreciated in many different ways. We have a wonderful team of regular helpers who commit their time either through direct involvement in the school day or by kindly helping at events by making teas, cooking burgers, tidying up afterwards etc., but new offers of help are always welcomed – and vitally needed, so please feel free to volunteer. You can contact any PTA member or email us at – ptawoodborough@outlook.com

Where does the money go?

Many parents will be unaware of how many of the ‘extras’ that our children benefit from are actually provided for by the PTA. Below is a list of just some of the things we recently funded:

  • Books for the weekly reader award vending machine
  • First aid courses for staff
  • Funding towards school trips
  • Equipment to support learning (e.g. laptops)


We’ve been asked on a number of occasions if there is a mechanism for parents to make financial donations to support the PTA. In response there is a standing order form for anyone considering donating to the school in this way along with a Gift Aid Declaration Form. As a registered charity, Gift Aid is one way of the school basically getting money for nothing as the school can reclaim the tax on any donations made by tax payers – so please remember to complete a Gift Aid Form if appropriate. Please note that the Gift Aid form alone does not commit you to pledging money.

The forms are available at the link on the right. These can be used for regular or single donations. All donations are treated in confidence at all times.

Easy Fund Raising: 

Do you shop on-line? If you do there is now a way that you can make donations to the Woodborough PTA, and it won’t cost you a penny. In fact, it could even save you money!

easyfundraising.org.uk is a shopping directory listing some of your favourite online stores including John Lewis, M&S, Argos, Yellow Moon, Next, Debenhams, John Lewis, Toys R Us, Boots and over 2000 others. Just use the links on the easyfundraising.org.uk site whenever you shop on-line and, at no extra cost to you, we’ll receive a free donation of up to 15% from every purchase you make. It really is that simple! It’s completely FREE to register and you won’t pay a penny more for your shopping when you use the easyfundraising.org.uk site.

In fact you can even SAVE MONEY as many retailers offer discounts, special offers and even ‘e-vouchers’ exclusive to easyfundraising.org.uk. If you shop on-line anyway then why not raise valuable extra funds for us by using this fantastic scheme at no cost to yourself.

All you need to do is visit http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/woodboroughcofeschool and when you register, select ‘Woodborough C of E school’ as the organisation you wish to support. Any purchases you make liking to easyfundraising will show up a few days later with confirmation of the money raised.

easyfundraising.org.uk is the easiest way to donate to the Woodborough PTA.

Events/Fundraising 2024-25

  • New parent pizza night
  • Christmas cards
  • School uniform sale
  • Harvets Make or Bake
  • Bonfire Night
  • Christmas Workshop
  • Mufti Days
  • Rule Break Days
  • Popcorn Club
  • Easter bingo
  • School disco
  • Colour Run
  • Camp out