Woodborough CofE Primary School

EQUA Trust

Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class (Year 2).

We are the Year 2 pupils in Woodborough School and the final year in Key Stage 1. By the time the children reach Maple Class they will be fully settled into school routines and will have developed many of the skills and attitudes essential to learning. As such, we aim to accelerate the pace of learning in response to the children’s thirst for knowledge.

In Maple Class, we begin to broaden the scope of the children’s education in preparation for Key Stage 2. We support and encourage the children to make links and spot relationships between different areas of the curriculum and give their learning a meaningful context.  We are fortunate enough to have rural surroundings as well as an outdoor area directly outside our classroom and we actively seek out opportunities to use the outdoors for learning in all curriculum areas.

In mathematics we begin to introduce more formal methods for recording the children’s increasingly complex calculations and we look at fractions, shape, telling the time and position and direction.  Throughout the year we will continuously develop our problem solving skills in all strands of mathematics while constantly building up our use of mathematical vocabulary to help us explain our reasoning.  We are working towards mastery in mathematics and we enjoy our daily Mastering Number sessions.

In English we continue to extend reading and writing in different genres; extending the children’s knowledge of phonics in reading and then introducing more spelling patterns.  Whole class reading takes place daily and throughout the year we will read many text types and carefully study the technical language and features of these texts to be able to write in a similar style with increasing independence.  We will continuously build on our understanding and use of grammar and spelling rules in our writing too.